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What is Medical Qigong?

Medical Qigong, one of four main branches of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), is an ancient form of Energetic Healing with roots dating back to around 476 BCE. Medical Qigong operates under the premise that energy permeates and flows within and between all things in nature. Over the course of our lifetimes, factors such as lifestyle, environment, diet, and/or trauma (physical, emotional, spiritual) cause deviations in the flow of this natural lifeforce energy (Qi) within the body’s tissues and organs systems, which results in illness and disease. Therefore, Medical Qigong employs an integrative (holistic) approach to harmonize the body’s qi to promote and support the body’s innate ability to heal itself. Medical Qigong is typically practiced in conjunction with and supplement to Western Medicine.

Why Seek a Medical Qigong Treatment?

  • Strengthen and regulate the internal organs, the nervous system and the immune system
  • Decrease symptoms and mitigate pain from chronic health conditions
  • Improve digestive, respiratory, and cardiovascular function
  • Relieve stress, headache, chronic fatigue
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